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Animals of the Fjords and the Tromsø Region

Photo du rédacteur: Vaiana Guichard HessVaiana Guichard Hess

The Norwegian Fjords, which border the Norwegian Sea, have a unique and remarkable ecosystem.

Although in the Arctic, the Tromsø region enjoys mild temperatures thanks to the Gulf Stream, which allows for a wide variety of flora and fauna.

Here are just a few examples :

Reindeer, Rein

Mythical animal and friend of the Sami people, robust and undemanding, it can live up to 15 years and weigh between 50kg and 280kg.

They live in herds and it's not uncommon to come across a few on the roadside.

Moose, Elg

This is the largest of the cervids, measuring between 2 and 3 metres in length and weighing between 250 and 800 kg.

Its habitat is the lowland and mountain boreal forest.

Rock Ptarmigan, Fjellrype

This is a bird that is not uncommon to come across in the mountains, but beware: it is well camouflaged, being all white in winter and dark brown and grey in summer.

It measures around 40 cm with a wingspan of 55 to 65 cm.

Golden Eagle, Kongeorn

A large, majestic bird. It has a beak and strong, powerful talons. It has a wingspan of up to 2.20 metres.

It is capable of attacking mammals the size of a Hare by swooping down on its victim at speeds of up to 300km.

Seal, Steinkobbe

Of modest size, 1.6 to 1.9 metres long and weighing 60 to 170 kg, the harbour seal lives in calm coastal waters.

It is easily recognised by its large, bulging eyes.

Sperm Whale, Spermhval

Between 11 and 18 metres long and weighing between 15 and 50 tonnes, the sperm whale is easily recognised by its enormous parallelepiped head.

Found in all seas, only the very large males spend the summer in polar waters to feed.

Blue Whale, Blahval

Between 25 and 30 metres long and weighing between 80 and 150 tonnes, the Blue Whale has a very hydrodynamic body, with slate-blue skin spotted with silver on the sides and throat.

It spends around 3 to 4 months in cold waters from early May to early November.

Fin Whale, Finnhval

Between 19 and 26 metres long and weighing between 40 and 80 tonnes, the fin whale, with a population of 145,000, is on the increase.

It can swim very fast, reaching speeds of 45kmh.

Orca, Spekkhogger

The Orca is a very talkative animal and lives in families of 4 to 40 individuals.

Measuring between 5 and 10 metres long, it is a very fast and flexible animal, capable of performing amazing acrobatics.

Harbour Porpoise, Nise

The smallest of the Arctic cetaceans, measuring between 1.5 and 1.8 metres and weighing between 60 and 90 kg. Despite its secrecy, you can meet it in coastal waters.

Atlantic Cod, Torsk

The emblematic fish of the Far North, this is one of the great classics of Norwegian cuisine.

It can measure up to 2 metres and weigh almost 100kg, and lives at depths of between 150 and 200 metres in waters ranging from 0° to 15°c.

Atlantic Salmon, Laks

Atlantic Salmon is world famous for its unique taste.

It has made Norway famous the world over.

Growing up to 1.5 metres in length, they spend their early years in freshwater.

Some spend one or more years at sea, while others remain on the continent.



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